Tamim El Ahmad

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Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Edinburgh

Email: tamim [dot] elahmad [at] ed.ac.uk
Others: Google Scholar, GitHub

About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh, since January 2025, working with Aretha Teckentrup. I work on Bayesian statistics, and more specifically on Gaussian Processes to solve Partial Differential Equations.

Previously, I obtained my PhD from Télécom Paris under the supervision of Florence d'Alché-Buc and Pierre Laforgue. My PhD research focused on leveraging random projections to scale kernel methods up to large datasets and combine them with deep neural networks to solve structured prediction.
You can find more about my background in my resume.

Research Interests

I'm globally interested in Machine Learning, and for the moment focus my attention on

  • Kernel Methods and Sketching Algorithms

  • Structured Prediction

  • Statistical Learning Theory

  • Deep Learning

  • Gaussian Processes

My list of publications is available here.


  • June 24: Our work on hybrid deep learning / kernel methods for structured prediction got accepted at ECML PKDD (joint work with J. Yang, P. Laforgue and F. d'Alché-Buc)!

  • Jan. 24: Our work on sketching methods for structured prediction got accepted at AISTATS (joint work with L. Brogat-Motte, P. Laforgue and F. d'Alché-Buc)!

  • Sep. 23: Our work on p-sparsified sketches for kernel methods got accepted at TMLR (joint work with P. Laforgue and F. d'Alché-Buc)!